Home-Start Ashfield

Having a friend can be one of the most enriching and supportive relationships in a person's life ... and it can easily be taken for granted. At Home-Start Ashfield we value friendship.

Many parents, desperate to do the right thing to give their children the best start in life, find they are fighting against the odds.

What some parents may see as a 'simple trip out to the shops' for a parent who has triplets in tow can seem impossible

Home-Start Ashfield supports parents with at least one child under 5 who are dealing with issues such as...

  • isolation
  • sickness
  • disability
  • mental health
  • domestic abuse
  • twins/triplets
  • difficult relationships

We can help these parents to feel that the 'impossible' is possible!

We offer a lifeline to parents who feel overwhelmed and in desperate need of support, reassurance and friendship.


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